the Sun-By-The-Sea, Sept.'07:
celebrate the official release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,
the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series, bookstores all
over the world held midnight parties, and Wildwood's own "Hooked On
Books" opened up especially at 11:30pm on Friday May 20th. The
store was decorated with posters of Harry Potter, broomsticks, ballons
etc. On one side of the store was set up "Honeydukes Sweet Shop"
serving Exploding Bon-Bons, Chocolate Frogs, & Bertie Botts Every
Flavor Beans. On the other side was "The Three Broomsticks Pub" serving
Harry Potter Cake and Butterbeer. They also had a selection of Harry
Potter puzzles
available. The line of fans young and old stretched down past "Shakers"
on the next block. Witches Patti & Elise passed out cake and candy
those that didn't want to step out of line, and cast spells on those
kids who did. Of course the main reason
everyone was here was for the book. Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows is the seventh and final book in the series. Everything so far
been building up to this final conclusion and it was a thrill just
hanging out in line with all of these other fans, all anticipating what
is going to happen, who is going to live and die, who ends up with
whom, will Professor Snape turn out to be good or evil, will good
defeat evil in the end, how many more casualities will there be in
process, and will our favorite characters live happily ever after?
While waiting we filled out a Harry Potter survey and an entry for a
raffle for a free Deluxe copy of the book with special artwork, valued at $65.00. A
local radio station was interviewing fans in line. At
midnight they cut open the first box marked "Do not open before July
21st", and the hoopla began. The raffle was held and the winner of the
Deluxe copy was Rebecca
Rosenblatt, a young girl from Lansdale Pennsylvania. Owners Kieran
& Jim were running two registers and there was a third "Hogwarts
Express" line for those that had pre-payed ahead of time. Within forty
minutes everybody had their book although there were more stragglers
until about 1:15 (people getting off work on the boardwalk etc.). Kids
were sitting down right outside the store and already reading the book,
finding out with fans all over the world how it all ends with Harry."
Winner of Raffle - Ms. Rebecca
Her prize - Harry Potter Deluxe
Bertie Botts Every-Flavor Beans
"accio" book
Harry Potter Cake
One for you - One for me!

To print
puzzle, click on puzzle, then click
Results of Harry
Potter Survey
For the
4 weeks leading up to July 21st we had Harry Potter fans
out a survey with their drawing entry. These are the results.:
Q1. Which
was your favorite book from the series so far?
#1 26% Book 5: Harry Potter and
the Order of the Phoenix
#2 24% Book 4: Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire
#3 19% Book 3: Harry Potter and
the Prisoner of Azkaban
#4 13% Book 6: Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
#5 11% Book 1: Harry Potter and
the Sorcerers Stone
#6 7% Book 2: Harry
Potter and the Chamber of secrets
Q2. Have you
read any of the books more than once?
78% Yes (Some as many as eleven times)
22% No
Who is your favorite charachter in the books?
#1 23% Harry
#2 16% Hermione
#3 14% Ron
#4 12% Fred & George
(apparently the are one charachter)
#5 9% Professor
#6 7% Sirius Black
#7 6% Professor
#8 5% Hagrid
#9 3% Ginny Weasley
#10 2% Neville Longbottom
#11 1% Draco Malfoy
#11 1% Dobby
#11 1% Peeves
Q4. Who is
your favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
#1 33% Professor
#2 19% Proffesor Snape
#3 15% Professor Dumbledore
#4 12% Remus Lupin
#5 8% Hagrid
#6 5% Mad-Eye Moody
#7 3% Professor Trelawney
#8 2% Gilderoy Lockhart
#9 1% Professor Sprout
#9 1% Professor Flitwick
#9 1% Firenze
Q5. Who
would you take as a date to the Yule Ball?
For Wizards:
#1 48% Hermione
#2 22% Ginny
#3 11% Cho Chang
#4 7% Moaning Myrtle
#5 5% Luna Lovegood
#6 4% Fleur
#7 3% Tonks
For Witches:
#1 35% Harry
#2 30% Ron
#3 11% Fred or
7% Cedric Diggory
4% Hagrid
3% Seamus Finnegan
#6 3%
Victor Krum
2% Draco Malfoy
#8 2% Neville
#10 1% Oliver Wood
#10 1% Professor Dumbledore
#10 1%
Nearly-Headless Nick
Q6. Who is
your favorite bad guy?
#1 34% Severus
#2 24% Lord Voldemort
#3 15% Draco Malfoy
#4 11% Lucius Malfoy
#5 7% Bellatrix Lestrange
#6 6% Wormtail
#7 2% Dolores Umbridge
#8 1% The Dementors
Q7. Do you
think Professor Snape will turn out to be good or evil?
Switches to whatever side is
winning 1%
Q8. Do you
think Harry will return to Hogwarts for his seventh year?
Yes 62%
Won't be open 1%
Q9. Any
guesses where the remaining horcruxes will be found?
25% Somewhere in
15% In Godrick's Hollow
14% In Harry
8% Privet Drive
(The Dursleys house)
Sirius Black's house
Nagini (Voldemorts snake)
The Sorting Hat
3% The Forbidden
3% The Riddle House
3% The Ministry of
2% R.A.B. has
already found them
2% Kreachers Locket
Other guesses include
Voldemorts wand, in Azkaban, in Fawkes, Lunas's Necklace
a Painting
in Hogwarts, in Diagon Alley, in Knockturn Alley, in the Land of the
in the
Leaky Cauldron Pub, Bellatrix has one, and in Griffindor Tower.
Q10. Who do
you think may die in the last book?
#1 23% Harry Potter
#2 20% Lord
#3 13% Severus
#4 10% Ron
#5 5% Ginny
#5 5% Hagrid
#5 5% Hermione
#8 4% Draco
#9 3% Neville
#10 2% One of the
#10 2% Dolores
#10 2% Lucius
#10 2% Remus Lupin
#14 1% Fred or
#14 1% Wormtail
#14 1% Luna
#14 1% Aunt Petunia
Q11. Any
wild predictions on what is going to happen?
The most common
prediction is that there will be an epic battle between good and
Harry will kill Voldemort, but a lot of people predict that Harry will
die too.
Snape will
sarcrifice his own life to save Harrys.
Lucius Malfoy kills
Voldemort in revenge for his own sons death.
Someone close to Harry
turns on him.
Neville will be the
chosen one.
Harry is turned into a
Muggle after killing Voldemort.
Draco defects at a
critical point and helps the Order.
Snape kills Hermione.
Harry kills Snape.
Harry's parents come back
for the final fight.
Dumbledore is still alive.
turns out to be part of Harry's family.
Crookshanks is an animagus for R.A.B.
Sirius comes back.
Ron & Hermione get
married and have 8 kids.
Harry hooks up with
Harry hooks up with Ginny.
Harry ends up on faculty
as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher.
Harry dies and Voldemort
rules the world.
Voldemort is Harry.
Harry ends up as
Headmaster at Hogwarts.
The end of the world.
Harry marries Ginny and
lives happily ever after.
Several more books.
any of these predictions correct? Alas, we can't tell you here.
To find
out you'll just have to read the book!
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